My pool time is often prayer, worship, and thinking time. Floating around in the cool water listening usually to K-Love Radio. This is a very personal time for me when I'm all alone in the pool. Today while enjoying this beautiful day, a conversation I had last night with a very strong, wise Christian woman came back to my mind. Basically, we talked briefly about our prayers (specifically for our children in this conversation) and whether we 1. really trust God to answer and 2. really want the answer we're praying for.

Think about it. We all know there are prayers we definitely want answered the way we are praying. When we pray for a sick child (or anyone), we want healing. Of course we want our child well...healthy...full of life. As parents, when we pray for the salvation of our children, we truly want that. After all, it is frightening to think of eternity with us in God's presence in Heaven and our children in Hell being tormented for eternity. That is definitely a prayer I prayed for years. Praise God! He answered that prayer with all four of our children being drawn to Christ and being saved by genuine faith in Christ--His death, burial, and resurrection.

However, there are other prayers that we pray...and I believe we pray earnestly...that when God answers we start to question His answer. I have prayed nearly daily since my children were young for God to call them to His work, whether this be in ministry or as a lay-minister in his/her field. We all know our mission field is wherever God places us. Over the last year, my prayers have become more fervent. I've prayed specifically for God to call our children and use them for a called-out ministry. I've seen glimpses of answers over the last several months in Cody. I was (still am) excited to see what God was/is doing in his life.

Fast forward to a couple of weeks ago--youth camp. This is an exciting week for the youth. It is plain fun! They get to fellowship with like-minded youth. They build relationships with each other. They are immersed in the Bible. Oh what a wonderful experience youth camp is! However, this time for me this was a week of sincere specific (well I thought they were specific) prayers for our boys. Everyday they were at camp, I prayed something like "Lord, clearly call our boys to your work. Make your calling on their lives so clear that they can't miss it. Send people their way and speak messages just to them so they know without a doubt what you are calling them to." I meant every word of those prayers! I really did...didn't I?
Well, the day the boys came home from camp, I discovered my prayers had been answered. Praise the Lord! Right? Of course, I celebrated with Cody as he shared that God had placed a specific call on his life to ministry. He isn't sure where he is being called or to what specific kind of work, but he KNOWS God has called him. Then, he says it--something like "Mom, it may be overseas." Was that the answer I wanted God to give him? When I prayed did I think God would send one of my babies out of the United States to minister? Honestly, I hadn't thought of that being an option. Silly of me, huh? Anyway, I had the comfort that maybe that wasn't where he was being called because he had said he wasn't sure where.

Then, that same night, Blake needed to talk to me. He had a lot on his mind. As he talked, I found out AGAIN that my prayers had been answered as Blake described several experiences at camp that he believes confirms a call to missions. And while he also isn't sure where, he feels pretty strongly that it could be the foreign mission field. Praise the Lord! Right? Was that the answer I wanted God to give another one of my boys? When I prayed did I think God would possibly send TWO of my babies out of the United States to minister? Frankly, it scares me!
You might think that since then I've prayed for God to keep them here...where it's safe...where I can see them often...where I can love on their children (I'm sure God is going to give us a BUNCH of grandkids one day...after all, I've prayed for that, too!)...where I will know what is going on with them. Well, that was tempting. Truthfully, that's what I wanted to pray.
Then, God spoke to me through His Word.
Romans 11:29 says"for the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable." He let me know then and there, that His calling sticks. Then, I found my way to Philippians 4:6-7. 6 "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." I chose to pray for peace. I chose to pray for God to absolutely use Blake and Cody wherever He calls them. With each day, seeing my boys' passion for the Gospel of Christ, God is giving me peace.
Now, I can answer the question "Do I really want God to answer my prayers?" with a resounding YES! I wouldn't want anything less for my children. Each day God reminds me that He has this! He's in control! He is faithful!
“The LORD will accomplish what concerns me; Your lovingkindness, O LORD, is everlasting; Do not forsake the works of Your hands.” Psalm 138:8 NASB