Saturday, August 27, 2011

Even in the valley...


Have you ever wondered why you or your family has to go through hard times...sickness...violence...times of many tears and many questions?  While I'm not focusing on the why's of our challenges, there have been times this last week that I just stopped and cried out to God because I just don't understand.

I don't understand why Brooke has become sick again with what appears to be issues with her heart after many years without any complications.  I don't understand why my migraines had reappeared full force.  I don't understand why Dougie is struggling at work in so many ways.  I really don't understand why God allowed Blake to be attacked in a parking lot by a complete stranger.  I don't understand!

Then, in my quiet time, God speaks through His Word to me...words of comfort, assurance, and love.  As I'm listening to one of my favorite bands this week, God speaks to me through their lyrics.  At just the right time and just the right place, God sent just the right people to minister to my family and to me.  It was through all this that I realized I don't have to understand why.  What I have to understand is that even in the valley, God is good!  He is working all things for the good of His children.  No matter what, we're called to praise Him.  No matter what we are called to live out our lives for Him.

So, what do I have to praise God for when I have one child sick and one child hurt?  Let me share with you.

I am married to a wonderful, Christian man who loves and supports us through good times and bad!  Dougie is a true blessing!

Protection for Brooke!

Blake's injuries are minor compared to what they could have been!

I have a group of prayer warrior sisters in Christ praying for me daily!

I had 3 days without migraines this week!

Marsha was near to minister to Brooke's needs when I wasn't there!

Marsha opened up her home to Brooke!

Texts, facebook messages and phone calls from sisters in Christ to encourage and let me know they are praying for Brooke.

A fellow teacher...actually 3...offering their time to cover my class so I could get to Brooke!

A parent of a student and fellow teacher offering to take my class an extra 50 minutes on her planning so I could catch up!

God intervening and stopping the attack on Blake!

Cody and Dale reacting exactly the way God wanted them to react!

A police officer being on the scene quickly!

My boys' witness stands firm because they stood firm in the Lord!

A mom of my boys' friend driving by and stopping to help!

Witnessing Blake's quick forgiveness!

Being able to pray with Blake in the hospital!

Clear catscan of his brain and face!

The boys' good friends!

Through everything this week, having opportunities to share how the Lord has worked with people who aren't yet Christ followers!

A phone call from Cathy at the exact right time when I needed it most!

Psalm 27!

A visit from Blake's friend bringing him a card full of hugs!

I'm sure I've left something out.  You get the point, right?  Satan has been attacking our family! 


God knows.  He cares.  He is in control.  He is and will continue to work all things to our good.

I appreciate and am so thankful for everyone's prayers!  Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
