It has been quite a while since our last blog. For those who know us, you know that there have been lots of changes going on at our house along with changes that will be occurring over the next few months.

We have gone from a household of 6 to a household of 9. My parents and our great-nephew (he is only with us part of the time) have joined our household. The process began last fall with renovations and such. We still have a few things to do, but those things will have to wait for now. Work has slowed to next to nothing for Doug (yet another change) so we will finish things as we're able. The transition has gone well. God has truly blessed us to be able to have Mama and Daddy with us. I love that my children get to have them around to spend time with on a regular basis. I know some of my fondest memories of childhood were those times I spend with my grandparents. Our children have wonderful grandparents on both sides of the family...true blessings!
Other changes on the horizon involve our terrific children! Each of the four of them are getting ready for a BIG event in the life of a teenager.
Brooke will be graduating from high school in just 4 short weeks. Her cap and gown were delivered this week. I've watched over the last several months as she has transformed from the girl who was dreading the end of high school to the young woman who is anticipating with great excitement the next phase of She has decided to attend Campbellsville University in the fall, majoring in Psychology. One of her favorite extra-curricular activities in high school was Color Guard. Brooke is pumped and ready to be a part of the Tiger Marching Band in the Color Guard.
Now, while she seems to be ready for all this, I have my moments. I'm very excited for her! However, there is that pang of selfish sadness that strikes now and then when I think of her being away at college. Doug and I are thankful for what God has done in her life, and we're looking forward to what he has planned for her future!
Dale, our youngest, will have a 'graduation' of his own in 4 short weeks, too. He will finish 8th grade and will officially be a high schooler! Eighth grade has been a busy year for Dale. He has been involved in many things at school. I'm sure he will miss Bernheim Middle School, and I know we will miss the faculty and staff there. Bernheim Middle was always great to all of our children! However, I know that he is excited about the transition.
Blake and Cody will be celebrating their 16th birthday in June! WOW! I ran across a picture of them from the 7th grade...just 3 short years ago...and they looked like such little boys. Now, they truly look like young men! They are both so much fun to spend time with (Brooke and Dale are fun too!) and keep us on our toes! I'm sure with learning permits and driving, they will absolutely keep us on our toes!
As you can see, change is all around our family. However, there is one constant in our lives!
Hebrews 13:8 says, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever."
How awesome is that that even in the midst of changes and sometime chaos, our Savior is the same?
Praise God from whom ALL things...blessings, changes...ALL things flow!