Last Friday evening, Brooke was voted 1st runner-up Homecoming Queen. We had a lot of fun watching Brooke and her friends participate in this time-honored tradition. The best part for me was seeing Brooke's surprised expression when they called her name. It felt good to know that she was happy to just be involved and that winning was not what was important to her.

1 year ago last Saturday was Becky's (my sister) 1 year anniversary of God allowing the doctors to rid her of her breast cancer!

On this past Wednesday, Brooke, Doug, and I went to Campbellsville University for a campus visit and appointments with an admissions counselor and Color Guard representative. It was a beautiful day! The admissions counselor was awesome. I won't tell you all the details. Brooke will need to blog about that. :) However, it was a wonderful day. God has been working in Brooke's life, and I believe this is just one more way He is working out His plan for her life. If she doesn't blog today, I'll HAVE to so that I can share all the good news! (The picture is of Brooke and Corey, the admissions counselor.)

Friday, January 29th, was my parents 45th Wedding Anniversary! I am so very thankful for the example of Christian marriage they have lived for us all my life and all our married life. Doug and I are blessed that both my parents and his parents have lived out their marriage vows as examples for us. We've planned a trip for Mama and Daddy in the coming weeks to celebrate!

Yesterday, Trena (Doug's sister)called with the news of whether her baby is a boy or a girl. It's a...well since I don't know if she has told everyone, I won't tell on here. HOWEVER, WE'RE SO EXCITED TO BE AUNT, UNCLE, AND COUSINS AGAIN! Babies are a gift from God. I'm looking forward to this new bundle of joy joining the family in early July!
Finally, SNOW...beautiful SNOW! As I've posted before, I love the snow. It is such a beautiful reminder of how God washes our dirty sins away and makes us white as snow when we respond to the Gospel of Jesus Christ dying on the cross and taking on OUR sins so we didn't have to be punished for them eternally, being buried, and then rising from the grave!
Love you all,
You have a way with words! Sounds like the week was definitely a roller coaster. I rejoice with you that God is faithful. He has a plan and a purpose for all of lifes ups and downs.