"Though your sins are as scarlet, they will be as white as snow..." Isaiah 1:18
I love the snow! I love snow days! Two snow days in a row...well, that's a bonus!
I know some people, even teachers, don't like the snow. But I like everything about it...almost everything. (I don't like driving in it. That actually works for me though because it means I get to stay home.)
When you think about snow, it really is an amazing thing! Each tiny little snowflake is unique. Plus, those little flakes can stack and pile together to create this...
Only an all powerful, awesome God could orchestrate such a thing!
How appropriate that the prophet Isaiah would use snow to compare how white/clean we can be when Jesus washes our sins away.
The snow day also gave me the motivation to do something I had been putting off for some time...clean out my closet! It took Brooke and me most of the afternoon to finish this overwhelming task. 3 giant garbage bags later and 3 boxes later...
I felt great! Only things that fit and that I actually wear are in there now. There is nothing that doesn't belong. Then this morning, I was still in bed enjoying the quiet of the house, this verse came to my mind: "Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me." Psalm 51:10
I was struck with how my thoughts of the snow and cleaning out my closet can all relate to how God cleans us out and renews a right way of thinking and living within us. Another translation of this verse uses the word pure for clean and the word steadfast for right. That is what I want...a heart that is pure, free from anything contaminating and a spirit that is steadfast, fixed in direction and firm in purpose.

Enjoy the snow!
What a beautiful post! Very well said! Thank you for encouraging me through these words today. : )